Everybody is thinking about how to solve the obesity in the world. I know most people who have not traveled have no idea what other countries what they eat. I grow up in Africa it was strange to see a person who is obese. But one day I walk up I was obese I could not believe what was going on with me. From 123lb to almost 200lb. I stopped socializing . I was home all the time when I come back from work or class I would just stay home. COME BACK AND READ MORE ABOUT ME !!!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Affects almost 10 million Americans annually.
Oh yeah, I did find a "job" from home...I had to pay $175 for their "software", pay for my own background check and drug screen, and had to have silence in my house so back to the daycare...why would I give all that to someone else??? I pay very little for my business, it's 100% tax deductible, I save more than I spend with Ameriplan ($30 on my T mobile bill every month, $5 on every oil change, $40 off of brakes for my car, at least $75/month savings on groceries every month, and that's not even touching my savings on dental, prescription etc. AND my kids can be home with me ALL day!!! No schedule!).

Use the Google Keywords Tool. The right keywords are those words related to your website that have little or even no competition, but yet a substantial number of people search for them. Actually finding the right keywords should be the very first step even before you register a
domain, because having the right keywords in your domain name is a great advantage
domain, because having the right keywords in your domain name is a great advantage
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Nature's way of purifying water that falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the Earth's layers of natural rocks and soil
Store-bought bottled water isn’t just expensive. It is slightly acidic and toxic (over heated cargo areas contribute dramatically to toxicity found in bottled water). It also contributes to over-consumption of tones of environmentally un-friendly plastic waste made from non-renewable fossil fuel resources. When these bottles are emptied, they become landfill – or garbage that ends up in waterways. Greenhouse gases are the by-product of manufacturing these disposable, store-bought plastic water bottles. So too are the carbon emissions from vehicles that transport these bottles to shops.
The pHandOrp Stainless Steel Alkalizer makes it easy to make fresh alkaline water anywhere – without wasting your money or the planet’s resources in the process!

The pHandOrp Stainless Steel Alkalizer makes it easy to make fresh alkaline water anywhere – without wasting your money or the planet’s resources in the process!
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It is then slowly filtered and infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious. In some places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties. The Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle shows water from rain or snow seeping into the mountain and then into lakes or mountain springs. This natural process may take months, even years, Velaqua delivers the same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop system
- VelWater.com offers Velaqua the revolutionary portable water enrichment system that duplicates nature's water purification and filtration process using gravity instead of electricity, chemicals or other artificial methods.
- Water keeps us alive. Our body is composed of 70% to 80% of water. Water regulates the temperature of our body and also aids in the proper digestion of the food we eat. Toxins in our body are being washed out by water and it replenishes the required fluid the body needs. Drinking the right quality of water will make us healthier. Drinking alkaline antioxidant water will bring us excellent health.
- Nature once provided us with clean water from flowing sources such as rivers, springs, rushing brooks and streams. Today, water and air pollutants have contaminated our Earth's water beyond our ability to cleanse it. More than 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S., with 2,000 being added annually, many will find their way into our water supply. The government regulates only 91 contaminants. Normal tap water is considered to be drinkable, until one realizes the chemicals that have been added to it. Further inland, the source quickly becomes acidic, registering as low as 5.8 on the pH scale. A human body needs to be at 7.2 on the pH scale to achieve a perfect state of balance and health. An acidic state below 7.2 may result in many health risks and complications. Carbonated soft drinks are among the most acidic beverages you can put in your body. These have an average pH of 2.5 or lower. Combined with artificial colors, sugar substitutes and other chemicals, they are among the most toxic beverages in our diet. Bottled water companies harvest water from scarce ground sources. In many cases, the water is still filled with harmful pollutants and contaminants, not to mention that most plastic bottles are not recyclable and are choking our Earth.
- Nature's way of purifying water that falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the Earth's layers of natural rocks and soil. It is then slowly filtered and infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious. In some places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties. The Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle shows water from rain or snow seeping into the mountain and then into lakes or mountain springs. This natural process may take months, even years, Velaqua delivers the same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop system.
Velara’s mission is to create a new-generation in relationship marketing.
We are a company built on the foundation of good corporate governance and we are
focused on achieving unlimited global expansion by unleashing our members’ potential
through proper training and offering affordable, unique, innovative and science-based
products. Velara creates a positive and vibrant culture, designed to foster strong
connections among our members, which results in high retention rates for our leaders.
Guided by our principle, ‘set service to others be our highest calling’, all of us
at Velara operate with a clear understanding that our sole reason for existence is
to assist our members create their rapid and sustainable path to prosperity.
In the spirit of Life, Oneness, Vitality and Energy.
Nature's way of purifying water that falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the Earth's layers of natural rocks and soil. It is then slowly filtered and infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious. In some places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties.
The Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle shows water from rain or snow seeping into the mountain and then into lakes or mountain springs. This natural process may take months, even years, Velaqua delivers the same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop system.
Velaqua provides natural, pure, healthy and delicious drinking water with these benefits:
• Peace of mind knowing where your water comes from
• An affordable system that delivers priceless water
• It's portable. You can take it anywhere
• Uses only gravity and natural minerals without electricity, plumbing or chemical
Velara's proprietary Energy Infusion Technology fortifies your water with essential rare earth minerals that produce water with remarkable health benefits:
• Super Cellular Hydration - Assists the body in rebuilding
• Incredible Antioxidant Source - Supports healthy aging
• Powerful Anti-inflammatory - Reduces free radical activity
• Creates High Alkalinity - Transforms water's pH level to 9.5 naturally
• Makes Micro-Clustered Water-More easily absorbed by cells
Have more questions? Go to this FAQ link. Download a PDF of the Velaqua brochure. Download a PDF for assembly and care guide or YouTube video. - See more at: http://www.feelgoodfood.com/product/velaqua-portable-water-enhancement-system#sthash.OBY8Yu22.dpuf
Nature's way of purifying water that falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the Earth's layers of natural rocks and soil. It is then slowly filtered and infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious. In some places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties.
The Water Cycle or Hydrological Cycle shows water from rain or snow seeping into the mountain and then into lakes or mountain springs. This natural process may take months, even years, Velaqua delivers the same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop system.
Velaqua provides natural, pure, healthy and delicious drinking water with these benefits:
• Peace of mind knowing where your water comes from
• An affordable system that delivers priceless water
• It's portable. You can take it anywhere
• Uses only gravity and natural minerals without electricity, plumbing or chemical
Velara's proprietary Energy Infusion Technology fortifies your water with essential rare earth minerals that produce water with remarkable health benefits:
• Super Cellular Hydration - Assists the body in rebuilding
• Incredible Antioxidant Source - Supports healthy aging
• Powerful Anti-inflammatory - Reduces free radical activity
• Creates High Alkalinity - Transforms water's pH level to 9.5 naturally
• Makes Micro-Clustered Water-More easily absorbed by cells
Have more questions? Go to this FAQ link. Download a PDF of the Velaqua brochure. Download a PDF for assembly and care guide or YouTube video. - See more at: http://www.feelgoodfood.com/product/velaqua-portable-water-enhancement-system#sthash.OBY8Yu22.dpuf
A well-recognized
recommendation says to drink half your body weight number in ounces of
water every day. Yet most people in the U.S. – 75% according to a
Cornell University Study – show symptoms of chronic dehydration while in
37%, the thirst mechanism is so weak, it is often mistaken for hunger.
Most people simply don’t consume enough water, with results ranging from
lack of energy, to daytime fatigue, difficulty focusing, slower
metabolism, headaches, and dry mouth.
The percentages of water
that make up the body and vital organs demonstrate the need for
hydration. The body itself is approximately 70% water, with blood
topping the chart at 90%, followed by the brain at 85%, kidneys at
82.7%, muscles at 75.6%, and bones containing water.
Purifies and alkalizes tap water
Alkaline Ionized Water Resource Center
What is your health worth to you? Most people today don't blink an eye when it comes to buying a Latte or Frappuccino, or even bottle water that is slightly acidic. But what are you willing to spend to tap in on the best healthiest drinking water available today? With more and more water supplies becoming toxic due to environmental pollution, is it not time to rethink your priorities and do something proactive to safeguard your water supply and families health?
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Successful Home Based Internet Business.
If you are
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to make changes for you, then you'll be very happy with "The Secret". You're about to learn how to change
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start a successful home based
internet business
Monday, January 20, 2014
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”Steve Jobs
WAYNE W. DYER, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of over 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows
People who Fail quite often
are waiting for the world to change, waiting on success to find them, and
waiting to be rescued. People who are successful do not wait for change: they are the ones who make the
changes. You either make changes in your life, or life makes changes for
you.....and the changes that are made for you are rarely good changes.
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